Jessica Mendieta

Personal Achievement Award Winner

I would like to begin by thanking Dr.DeSimone and his staff for this opportunity. My motivation to do better in college has been boosted by this scholarship and what it represents. I am excited to use this scholarship to pursue my psychology degree at Florida International University.  I plan to major in psychology with a Minor in criminology, and later on get a bachelor’s degree in Forensic psychology. I plan to make a positive impact in my field, and this scholarship will significantly help me cover the cost of my education, allowing me to focus on my studies and achieve my goals. While in college I want to get involved in different clubs, and reach my highest academic potential, and this scholarship will grant me the opportunity to focus on that. While it was hard to balance clubs, sports, and school, this scholarship made it worth it. Thank you again to the Team of Charity for Champions for granting me this award.