Nathaniel Haynes

Athletic Achievement Award Honorable Mention

I am currently a student-athlete at FIU. FIU is a great school for me because I intend to major in International Business and hopefully join a successful firm out of college. I’d like to thank Al DeSimone and Charity for Champions for this reward because it is always nice to receive any recognition for my hard work.

Alexander McCourt

Athletic Achievement Award Winner

Thank you very much for awarding me with this honor. It was a true blessing to be recognized for my hard work and effort. Dr. DeSimone greatly helped me out on my road to college and I will forever appreciate that. I am taking this prestigious award and scholarship with me to college where I will be attending Purdue University to play football. From the work I put in at Saint Thomas Aquinas High school and from the help of Dr. DeSimone and his outstanding staff, I was able to complete a goal and dream of mine. Thank you.

Kathryn Bishop

Excellence Achievement Award

I am currently attending the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business as a Presidential Scholar. I am majoring in marketing with a minor in Spanish and hope to eventually have a career in the fashion industry. I am extremely grateful to Charity for Champions and the DeSimone family for supporting me in my academic journey.

Jeremy Czerenda

Sports Medicine Interest Award Honorable Mention

I’m honored to be the recipient of the Sports Medicine Interest Award Honorable Mention. I would like to thank Dr. DeSimone and the entire Charity for Champions staff as well as my family and friends for allowing me to have this opportunity and pursue my dreams. Being a recipient of this scholarship is a great honor and a humbling experience. I’m very thankful for this opportunity that has been given to me. I will be attending Florida State University where I will also be playing football and studying Biology. In the future, I hope to become a physician.

Eduardo Andres Antonini Prim

Athletic Achievement Award Honorable Mention

I attend the University of Pittsburgh. I want to thank you guys for the opportunity to have received this scholarship. It means a lot to me and my family because it helped us financially with my education. I’m grateful for Charity of Champions for everything you guys have done for me and my family.

Griffin Cerra

Personal Achievement Award Winner

I am excited to be attending Southern Illinois University to play football. I’ve been accepted into the business college and accepted into their prestigious business mentor program. I plan on owning a construction/contracting company in Florida when I graduate. I have dreams to make it to the NFL, but football doesn’t last forever. The Charity for Champions scholarship is a huge deal to me because it shows that all  of  the hours I spent focusing on the community truly didn’t go unnoticed.